Features which are required:

  1. excludes (i.e. !ROLE and !HERD).  This would allow for finer control over account creation and cleanup
  2. client side DB.  This is the main motivation for this project, providing better performance
  3. make config files more modular and easier to maintain
  4. GID reservation.  This is needed for better cross cluster support
  5. remove account type from person.  This is one of the main features which the client DB would enable
  6. DB rebuild tools. These are needed for safety reasons.
  7. DB backup tools. Again a safety feature.
  8. DB boot tools.  These would be used to cleanup at boot on bad exit/crash.

Required retrofit features (UNIX and RATS tools)

  1. add/remove group. This would allow for a complete group maintenance.
  2. RATS client port to client DB.
  3. password file editing tools
  4. chfn  and friends need to be replaced
  5. group file editing tool
  6. quota builder, to allow for bulk quota setting
  7. password change program for those using encrypted passwords
  8. any missed applications that touch the password, shadow, or group file

Potential new features

  1. inetd support for client daemon
  2. better non person account support.
  3. push username change to client (more automated)
  4. last outstanding username triggers email update on username change
  5. roll forward/back partial accounts
  6. client report tools
  7. better account cleanup tools for large systems

Future proofing

  1. design DB with multi cluster as consideration
  2. design with LDAP in mind

Server side required features

  1. any new API calls to support new functionality

Server side potential features

  1. cleanup unattached usernames in PDB
  2. cleanup herds (if needed)
  3. report tools for PDB
  4. inetd support